Monday, September 28, 2009

Wannabe an ARTIST

Lady Gaga is the new most interesting pop singer of the actuality, no doubt about it. But please don't call her the new Madonna or the Princess of Pop or anything like that.

There are too many reasons for not saying it. History is one of them.

How many new Madonnas have we had?

Mmmm... Janet Jackson in the late 80s, Mariah in the early 90s, Britney in the late 90s (not to mention five gals in the mid-90s spicing things up), Lady Gaga in the late 00s... the list goes on and on.

Janet is "dead and gone" artistically for a long time. Mariah Carey still reigns in the US of A, but that is it. Her music became more and more repetitive and ghetto, so did her career, relegated to mostly fat black ladies and gays who enjoy hip-hop and are school drop-outs. Oh, they also enjoy going to the church, but most of them get pregnant in their teens.

Our beloved Britney. Perfect example of being in the right place at the right time. Not necessarily pretty, not talented at all. But a good puppet. She knows how to get directed. And a person who has no control at all over her career AND her personal life, like Britney, is far from being the New Madonna.

Lady Gaga. Mmm... she has only one album. She is the new Madonna. Yeah, right.

I love Lady Gaga's album. I love her fashions. But she is just another singer. At least, for now. Being music royalty implies longevity. That is the main thing about it.

Besides being a newby that hhas much to prove yet, Lady Gaga started getting a little annoying. And she just started showing to be a little bit of a puppet, just like Britney.

Pre-fame videos of Lady Gaga started to come up on the web as Lady Gaga's fame got bigger and bigger. And for someone who calls oneself a real artist, she was just too plain before getting into the (fame) machine. A pudgy brunnette with little voice training screaming out her lungs behind a mic and a keybord in a pseudo-rock band, Lady Gaga (at that time, Stefani Germanota) seemed more like an Alanis Morissette wannabe than anything else.

Where was the artist? The performer? The "art performer" (as Gaga describes herself)? Nowhere to be seen. Apparently, Gaga became an performance artist just when a group of people (The Haus of Gaga) started to produce and create her acts. I call that being a puppet. I call that being Britney.

I have so much fun going to blogs and reading what all these acephalous fags say about her. How great she is, "bigger than life", "a real artist", "OMG, the VMAs!", mmm... have they heard of Michael Alig? Apperantly NOT.

Well, what I am saying is: there is NO NEW MADONNA. Madonna is a real artist, a great song writer and producer and though she may sometimes jump into someone's bandwagon (like the hideous HARD CANDY with Timberlake/Timbaland/Pharrell album) , her music is usually new, interesting and amazing.

But what proves that is not her mind-blowing performances, incredible stages etc. It's all about her - Madonna. A real artist does it best with no uber-production. And that's what I want to share.

Take a look at those videos. They are all pre-fame. Lady Gaga before The Haus of Gaga (all her producers). And Madonna before fame (and money, and investors and all that you want to think she depends on). The real artist is still there.

Lady Gaga (or Alanis Morissette Wannabe), not being very artsy before money and fame:

Madonna, being Madonna, before money or fame:

Monday, September 14, 2009

A performance de Lady Gaga doeu!

Quando Lee Lodge disse que a performance de Lady Gaga "poderia se tornar classica, assim como a de Madonna", as bichinhas bloggers todas ficaram loucas-do-edy. Chegando ao ponto de baterem boca em blogs e talzzz... (sono).

A ansiedade delas bateu. Acharam que Lady Gaga conseguiria fazer algo impressionante. Sinceramente, somente as poc-poc, pao-com-ovo, que aprenderam ingles com as Spice Girls e com a Britney Spears (comprando revistinhas de traducao de letras de musica) e que se acostumaram com performances de terceira classe (back at ya, Britney) conseguem ver "arte" no que Gaga faz.

Andy Warhol (do tumulo) e Madonna (do trono) devem rir de certas atrocidades. Esse pessoal devia pegar um livro sobre POP ART antes de dizer qualquer coisa sobre Pop Art. BTW, WIKIPEDIA nao vai ajudar esse pessoal.

Enfim, vamos a tao prometida performance de Lady Gaga.

Muitos falaram, exageraram nas traducoes de comentarios, alguns simplesmente exageraram nos comentarios (hello, Perez Hilton), um monte de exageros. Assim como a imagem de Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga nao esta para a moda ou musica assim como Madonna esteve e ainda esta. Lady Gaga nao representa ARTE. Lady Gaga representa reinterpretacao do que ja fora feito. Mas ela nao adiciona nada, ela apenas esta sob o holofote da midia (lembrando que BLOGS sao a mais forte ferramenta da midia e que o pessimo Perez Hilton lambe os pes de Gaga).

Madonna - ate mesmo o release de Lady Gaga, logo quando lancou o album THE FAME, se referia a Madonna, Roisin Murphy, Grace Jones foram chupadas por Lady Gaga e o grupo de cerebros que pensam e planejam suas performances, THE HAUS OF GAGA. Mas o que todas essas mulheres tem em comum e que Gaga nao tem, eh a habilidade de elevar algo do campo popular e acessivel ao patamar de performance para observacao e apreciacao. E um dos motivos que impossibilitam isso eh que ha um elemento muito forte de BREGUICE em Lady Gaga.

Podemos adicionar Michael Alig ao curriculo de Gaga. Sua performance de Paparazzi no VMA eh apenas uma interpretacao brega dos BLOOD FESTs que Michael Alig promovia na cidade de Nova York, quando Lady Gaga ainda ia pra uma cara escola particular.

Foi uma montagem tosca. A ideia poderia ter sido muito mais bem trabalhada. Fiquei decepcionado mas, tambem, aliviado (por outros motivos).

Houve algo positivo?


Lady Gaga, claramente, vem tomando aulas de canto. Ns primeiros minutos da apresentacao, demonstrou que esta cantando bem, ate comecar com aquela gritaria horrenda, que estava danificando suas cordas vocais e nossos ouvidos.

O visual estava bacana.

Mas, sorry, a melhor aparicao da noite foi a de Madonna, que nem mesmo cantou. Mas roubou a noite. Tambem adorei a performance de Taylor Swift. A MTV Americana (reparem: americana - nao a brasileira) continua na ponta da tecnologia.